Welcome to The Emergency Medicine Group

This site is intended to promote free medical education within the field of Emergency Medicine in the UK.  With time this site will expand to contain information regarding health informatics as we move to an exciting new healthcare era with improvements in technology and communication methods appearing almost daily.

Password Protected Areas:

There are several password protected areas on this site.  These are intended for use by Healthcare affiliated professionals and may contain material unsuitable for general viewing.  Please Sign Up using the link above.  Your registration request will be assessed by the Site Admin and approved (usually within 12h, often sooner) if approporate.  Please Note: Registered users of our Old Web Site will need to re-register for access to documents on this site.

Live Blog

Below is our live Blog.  We post our latest news and developments in this area.  Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions here too.  We hope you find this site useful, its contents will grow with time.

Live Blog
Look here for the latest News and developments for this Site

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Emergency Medic
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